Welcome to Visionary’s Pursuit, a podcast where we explore what it takes to turn your bold and inspiring ideas into reality. I'm Carolina Zuleta. I'm a life and a business coach and your host for this podcast. I'm thrilled to have you here.
Hi, and welcome to the Visionary’s Pursuit podcast. I am so happy to be with all of you here.
Today, I want to start by sharing why I created this podcast and who is it for. I've been a coach for 14 years and I've worked with people from all walks of life, have helped them find partners, improve their health, create businesses, overcome obstacles, and improve their lives for the best. I know many of us have a desire who have a bold idea being born inside of you and you're pursuing it.
You're getting out of your comfort zone. You're walking off the traditional path to go and create something. Just because you love it, just because you desire it. If you're one of those people, this podcast is just for you. Working with many visionaries throughout the years, I've realized that the impossible ideas we have in our mind can actually become true.
And not only through hard work and many hours, what really matters is if we learn to manage our internal software, our thoughts, our beliefs That's what drives our life. And there are so many tools and ideas that I know can make a big difference in your life. Yes, working hard is important at times.
Learning to get money, to build a business, or to make a movie, or to run in IndyCar is important, but it's not the key to our success.
When I think about the visionary's pursuit, I think of the journey that is full of ups and downs. Great joys of when we're winning and things are going our way and the lows when we get a no, we fail, we make a big mistake.
And when I think about that journey, I realized that the people who make it to the end and who stay in the game are not necessarily the ones that have the most money or the best connections. But are the ones who have learned to stay on their own side and to really manage those stories I was talking about.
To not allow their brains to convince them about failure, about the difficulty of the journey. Okay, so first, let's talk about thoughts. Thoughts are all those ideas, perceptions, opinions, stories that our brain present us. And thoughts are just ideas, like I said. But the problem is that we believe a lot of those thoughts, even though they're not true, and they're thoughts that hurt us, that make us play a smaller game, hold back, or not go full in into what we want.
By now, I imagine a lot of you have heard something around the lines of what I'm saying, that our thoughts are not reality, that we can manage our thinking. Thanks to the internet, social media, podcasts, and books, I think this idea of Us managing our thoughts has started to become widespread, and I hope that is the case, but even though I've learned about this idea for over 15 years, I have found that it has so many layers and that it really is a conscious practice of being mindful of the stories our brain is presenting to us and being able to choose the thoughts that serve us.
I'm not even talking about beautiful, positive thoughts. It's more practical thoughts that help us get where we want to go.
Let's look at our world today. There are so many things that we take as facts, that we forget that they were actually ideas created by some human beings some many years ago that we've accepted and they rule our society today.
The price of money, our political systems, the languages we speak, all of them started as ideas inside a human brain, but throughout the years we've practiced believing and believing in these things, and that's why we use them as facts, like money, why we say a dollar is worth what a dollar is worth. It's there's no fact, there's nothing scientific specifically about it.
It's, it's that we all have agreed on this same story. And because we all believe that a dollar is worth whatever it's worth today, that's why our economy works. And that is true for your own life as well. Whatever you have in your life today, whatever you have achieved so far, you've only achieved it because you've believed in it.
Whatever you don't have right now is because you haven't upgraded your self concept. Your internal belief system to know that you can have it.
So the visionary's pursuit is one of growth, is one of challenging and limiting belief we have. It's of being mindful of the stories our brain presents us, is of choosing those thoughts carefully and spending the majority of the time with thoughts that help us achieve the goal or the dream that we want. So one of the common threads of this podcast is talking about how we can question those thoughts and not believe them.
And to this day, I keep learning the same lesson, but deeper. I start understanding more and more what it means to be managing my mindset and my thoughts. It is a practice and we're going to tackle it from many different angles.
Now let's talk about the second thing, our emotions. Um, you know, don't bring your emotions to work or you're too emotional. When in fact as humans, that's what we are. We are emotional human beings and all day long we're having feelings about all kinds of things.
So, how is it that emotions get in our way? Emotions are created by our thoughts, something I'll share more about in later episodes. And the emotions are physical, we feel them in our body, so they feel like it's the truth, that they are fact. When the reality is that they're just simply sensations, vibrations we experience in our body.
What all of us are most scared of is feeling an emotion. It's feeling the emotion of rejection, of being ridiculed, of failing in front of other people, of feeling loss and sadness. And I get it. I don't like feeling any of those emotions as well. But when we're so scared of feeling those emotions, we hold ourselves back.
We don't take the risks that are necessary to achieve our dreams. We don't make ourselves vulnerable of being hurt. And so we play a smaller game. What I do with my clients is not teach them how to wear an armor so nothing hurts them. But contrary, what I teach them is to be so resilient that they can experience any emotion and know nothing will kill them.
That it will be uncomfortable, that it will be hard. But that they can have the strength, the inner strength to feel any emotion and keep going.
When you learn to choose carefully the stories you're telling yourself and you build inner strength to feel any emotion, you become unstoppable.
So if you have a big dream, you're right now in the trenches fighting for it, working long hours, failing over and over. That's amazing and I really applaud you for it. And I want you to also consider. That it's not necessarily doing the perfect formula, having all the education, having the connection, the money's what's gonna get you there. It's actually learning these two skills, choosing the stories your brain presents you and allowing your emotions, managing your emotions so they don't stop you.
The pursuit of a visionary, we can see it as an internal war between our survival brain that just wants us to stay at home watching Netflix all day and our prefrontal cortex that is coming up with ideas and visions and telling us take risks, leave safety, go make this happen. And when we have these tools of managing our thoughts and our emotions, We're more able to overcome the survival brain that just wants us to stay stuck in what it's known and be able to go to frontiers that are way beyond what we thought was possible.
So in this podcast, you're going to hear a lot from me of what I've learned coaching so many visionaries over 14 years, but you'll also hear from my clients who are in the trenches, fighting to make their dreams come true and what they've learned in these journeys.
Before we go, I want to share something Rick Rubin wrote in his book, The Creative Act:
It goes like this. Nothing in this book is known to be true. It's a reflection of what I've noticed. Not facts, so much as thoughts. Some ideas may resonate, others may not. A few may awaken an inner knowing you forgot you had. Use what's helpful, and let go of the rest.
What I want for each of you is to be able to connect to your inner knowing. Try the ideas I offer. Test them. If they work for you, awesome, if not, let them go. I do not know how you will achieve your dreams. I do know you can get there, but I know that you, your inner wisdom, your creativity, your ability to pursue what you want is what's going to get you there.
You are the CEO of your life and your dreams. So please take these ideas, run them through your inner knowing, take anything that you find helpful and let go of the rest.
Welcome again to this podcast. I really love having you here. And now. Let's start dreaming big and working to turn our boldest and most inspiring ideas into our reality.
If you're currently pursuing a big, bold idea and would love some support, let's talk. In my coaching program, I'll teach you how to manage yourself. your own thoughts and emotions, as well as your team and your money, so you can turn your beautiful idea into a reality. Go now to carozuleta. com slash consult, that is C A R O Z U L E T A dot com slash consult, and complete the form to book a complimentary call with me.
See you there!