Welcome to Visionaries Pursuit, a podcast where we explore what it takes to turn your bold and inspiring ideas into reality. I'm Carolina Zuleta. I'm a life and a business coach and your host for this podcast. I'm thrilled to have you here. Hello, hello, and welcome to episode 10 of the Visionaries Pursuit podcast.
Hello, hello, and welcome to episode 15 of the Visionaries Pursuit Podcast. As always, I love being here with all of you today. I want to talk about those moments where we feel trapped, where we feel that we don't have the freedom to actually choose the life that we dream of. Let me share with you a couple of stories I've heard throughout my life being a coach.
Maybe you can relate. You have a full time job, you've made your career a priority, you're the breadwinner for your family, and you're not happy. You don't like your job anymore, you're waking up every day dreading going to work. But when you think about quitting, you look around and it's like, well, who's gonna feed my family?
We have bills to pay every month, a mortgage, all these expenses we have as families. I feel trapped because if I was going to do what I wanted that is not working full time, that is not being an executive, what would we do for money? Or maybe you're an entrepreneur and you build your own business with sweat and tears and all of your heart and it's been 10 years, 15 years running your business and you know your business is contributing in an amazing way to society.
But you don't want to do it anymore. You're tired of managing a business, of managing employees. Your work feels repetitive. You want to do something else. Maybe you want to travel around the world, or maybe you want to start something new. But what do you do with your business? You don't want to close it because you know it's a good business and it's really contributing to society.
You've tried to find people to manage it and run it. But they haven't worked, so you feel trapped. What can I do? The last story I'll share is something that happens to a lot of women. We've made our career a priority. We've worked hard. We've been successful. And then we have our first baby. And unfortunately, in the U.
S., the maternity leave policy is not very good. If you're lucky, you get three or four months. But any woman who has had a baby knows that leaving your three or four month old baby in daycare for nine hours a day seems hard, feels hard. You don't want to be away from this baby for so long. But what do you do?
You still want to continue working on your career. You still want to continue being successful. The money you make is important for your family. And you feel trapped. Can you relate? Have you ever felt in those moments like, I don't know how I can create a fulfilling life. I don't like my options. Okay, so I have some good news for all of you.
So you're feeling trapped and you think you're trapped by the circumstances of your life. But what I want to invite you to consider is that you are trapped because of the way you're thinking. Most of us, when we're in those types of situations, give ourselves two options. Either I quit my job and I find something that makes me happy, but my family's finances are going to be really affected, or I stay in this job.
Make money for my family, but feel miserable, or I keep the business I started and don't feel happy, but continue to contribute to society. Or I close it and my heart will break so I can go and do something that I find more exciting at the moment. Or I leave my baby in daycare all day and be heartbroken, but that way I can make money, continue building my career, continue succeeding.
Or I quit my career. I love being with my baby. But what about our finances? What about getting back into the workforce? That's going to be tough. So what we all tend to do is give ourselves two options and neither of those options makes us fully fulfilled. Any of those two options that we choose, we're going to be missing something that is very important and significant to us.
And I think that is the problem. The problem is that you're giving yourself two choices. Or that. And what I want to invite all of you to start considering is this and this. What if I find another job or something else to do with my career that I love and I make even more money for my family? What if me traveling around the world or doing what I want to do in my next adventure makes my business even more successful?
What if I find a way that I can be with my baby, grow my career and make more money? And what happens is most of us think, well, that's impossible. We look around and say, yeah, everyone wants that, but nobody has it. So we discard it. And that's why we feel trapped. Because we start making compromises when we don't have to make them yet.
If instead of thinking this or that, you start thinking, what if this and that is possible? What if there is a way to have all the things that I want? When you start doing that in your brain, first of all, you start having more energy. Second, your brain starts looking for ways of having this and that, because our brain loves to solve problems, but we have to give our brain a good problem to solve, right?
So when we give our brain the problem of this or that, what your brain starts doing day and night is trying to negotiate between these two options. But when you tell your brain, brain, I want this and that. What if that was possible? Your brain starts looking for the possibility. Your brain starts searching for a way that you can have all that you want.
When I talk with my clients about using that, what if this that I want is possible, they laugh and they don't fully believe me. And I'm like, listen, And I tell them, listen, you're not asking me how to start a baseball league in Mars. You're asking me how to have a fulfilling job and provide for your family.
That's not that out there. There are actually a lot of people who have figured that out. I'm pretty sure we can figure it out for you as well. And I believe that for anyone who's listening to me right now, whatever your desire is, I think there's a path to get there, but you first have to decide that you are going to pursue that desire and that you're going to consider the possibility that you can actually get it.
The moment we say, well, it's not possible, that's it. It won't be possible. So what happens next? So we connect to our true desire, this and that, the whole picture of all the things we want. We start telling our brain, okay, maybe there's a possibility. We start coming up with ideas of maybe the way we could get there.
And now it's time to take action. You won't know the whole, you won't know the whole road that will take you to your full fulfillment. But you do know the next step, and the next step might look like, huh, I'm going to call these three people in my network and get some advice, or I'm going to reach to that co worker I had many years ago, because they have a company and maybe they can hire me part time, or I'm going to explore, or I'm actually going to sit down with my partner and look at our finances and see if maybe I can take a sabbatical and be at home with my baby for a while.
And you take those first steps, and some of them will lead you to new steps. And some of them will be dead ends. And that's not a problem. It's part of the process. As long as you stay curious, as long as you stay in the belief that there is a possibility, that there is a way to get to what you want, you will continue finding new options.
Now, the other thing my client says, it's very rare. I don't know a lot of people who have done what I wanted. And for that, I want to share a story. A friend of mine studied film at NYU. And one day we were talking and he shared with me that a professor had told his entire class, which I imagine there were probably 60 to 70 students in that class.
And the professor told them, take a moment to look around. The truth is that this industry is so hard that probably only four or five of you are going to actually become filmmakers. And my friend was so frustrated by that comment. Well, why would they tell us that? Seems like it's going to be impossible.
My recommendation to him was to believe he was one of those four or five people who were going to make it. And he did make it. He's still making it. And what I want to tell. All of you is you have to believe you are the exception and not the rule, because the moment you think you're part of the rule, you will stop your curiosity.
You will stop searching for a way to get to where you want to go. So decide, you know what, I'm going to be one of those rare people that works three days a week and makes more money than all of my friends. And then I spend four days at home with my baby, or I'm going to be that rare entrepreneur that Who spends five hours in their business and their business runs perfectly while I travel the world.
Decide right now that you're going to be the exception and start pursuing that dream. So what I have seen happen is we start pursuing this and we start making progress and there will be a moment where we probably will have to make a compromise. We'll probably have to decide, you know what, I am going to go in debt for the next six months.
But I believe on the other side, I will make three times what I used to make. So I'll pay the debt and I'll be totally fine. And I'm willing to take that risk. With what I'm trying to tell you today, I'm not saying that you don't have to make compromises or take risks or that everything always shows up perfectly.
Sometimes it does. But what I'm saying is don't make that compromise yet. Take more steps towards your dream, towards your goal, towards what you really, really want. And when you are at that moment that you have to make a A trade off, then you make the decision. And I promise you that that trade off might be challenging, but it won't make you feel trapped.
Because if you're feeling trapped, it means that there has to be a third option, a fourth option, another path to get to where you want to go. There is no such thing as being trapped. podcast right now, I imagine you're living in a part of the world where you're trapped. where you are free to live your life as you desire.
There are people who are trapped by the government, by certain rules that others have created. But if you're listening to me, I don't think that's your case. If you feel trapped, it's because you've created that trap with your mind. It really doesn't exist. So use your imagination. Step out of that trap. Go to the part of you who's that little child who sees life with wonder and excitement and possibility.
Be curious, explore different avenues,
and if the worst case scenario happens, that you never achieve what you really, really wanted, I promise you, your life will be significantly more fulfilling for pursuing your dream than if you decide to stay trapped. Dream big, my friends. I'll see you next week.
If you're currently pursuing a big, bold idea and would love some support, let's talk. In my coaching program, I'll teach you how to manage yourself, your own thoughts and emotions. as well as your team and your money so you can turn your beautiful idea into a reality. Go now to carozuleta.com slash consult that is c a r o z u l e t a dot com slash consult and complete the form to book a complimentary call with me.
See you there!