Hello, and welcome to episode 18 of the Visionaries Pursuit podcast. Today, I am so excited because I'm launching a brand new course. It's called Design Your Life. I've created this course for all of you who are dreamers and visionaries, who have big desires and want to make them happen, who don't want to continue repeating our same old patterns, but want to surprise ourselves and be amazed about what we can create.
This course is going to be a space in which we're going to reconnect to our desires, get even more clear about the outcomes we want to create, really understand the thoughts and emotions and behaviors that are holding us back. So for example, if you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, and right now you're growing your business, but you're really stuck managing your team.
This course is going to be amazing for you, or maybe your challenge is that you get so close to getting the clients you want, the funding you want, and it doesn't happen. This is going to give you insight into that, or maybe you're ready to launch a new project, a new vision. This course is going to give you so much to go do that.
If there is a yearning inside of you, you know that there is a desire to create something new, but you feel a little stuck. You don't know what is your next step or how to get there. This can help see all of that in a new light. in a much more powerful and motivating way. I'm not only gonna teach you how to design your life, but I'm also gonna be doing tons of coaching.
You're gonna get all the support you want and you need to really craft a powerful vision for your life. So if you've ever wondered, what is it to coach with Kado? This is a perfect place to start and see the results that coaching can give you. To save your seat in this course and get all the details, you can go to the link in the description of this podcast or go to carolzuletta.
com forward slash design your life. I am so excited. I can't wait to be with all of you creating results that blow your own mind. And today what I want to Share with all of you is why I think it's so important to design our life and not just live it by default, not just continue repeating the same patterns and old behaviors that we don't like and actually realize the incredible power we have to consciously choose, design, and create the life that we love the most.
First, let's look at how our brain works. So, our brain learns by repetition. When we were little and we were learning our first language, we learned it because our parents kept repeating to us the same words over and over and over again until we learned it. If we want to become really good at a sport, we just have to practice and practice and practice until our brain finally develops the neural pathways that allows us to have the movements.
required for that sport. Anything in life is all about repeating those thoughts. And our brain also loves to repeat because it's the way that it's most efficient. If you've ever tried to do something new, you realize how much brain power is required to do that new thing. So I even remember when I was at the University of Chicago, one of our professors was trying to prove this point, that our brain is lazy and doesn't want to put the effort to learning new things.
And how she did it was she asked us, what is, I don't know, 3, 872, 084 plus 4, 532, 687. And we were all like staring at her blankly, not because we weren't able to do that math, but because we didn't see why we would do it. And therefore we didn't want to put the effort into doing it. So the first thing we need to understand is It's how our brain is designed to just repeat the same patterns and that includes all of our thoughts.
What the research shows is that we have thousands of thoughts a day and most of those thoughts are exactly the same thoughts we had yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. So we are repeating the same thoughts over and over and over again. Unless, either a big circumstance, something happens in our life that makes us think in a different way, or we consciously choose to think different thoughts.
So I wonder, if someone was going to record all of our thoughts, what would the thoughts you think often be? Are they thoughts that you love, that are helping you grow and become a better person and achieve your goals? Or are they thoughts that, that don't feel good, that get you stuck in patterns you don't like, that are holding you back.
The second thing we know about how we work is that our emotions, our feelings are created by our thoughts. And you might be thinking, what? No, sometimes feelings just come. And yeah, sometimes feelings happen very fast, but it's because our thinking is happening so fast. Anything you think creates an emotion in your body.
I'll give you an example from my own life. When I used to be in a plane and the plane went through turbulence, I would immediately feel scared. And I thought it was just because I feel scared. I'm that type of person that gets scared by turbulence. But then I started studying this and really trying to figure out what is it that I'm thinking that gets me so scared with turbulence.
What I realized very fast, my brain presented me with images of the plane falling and my kids next to me and what would I do and whose hand would I hold. It was really fast, but it got my palms sweating and my heart rate up. And I just didn't enjoy the turbulence. Every time the pilot would say, buckle your seatbelt because we're going to go through turbulence.
Immediately, I would think, Oh no, I don't like this. My husband, who I often travel with. He doesn't care about turbulence. He's chill. It doesn't bother him at all. And in fact, many times I'll hold his hand and he'll try to calm me down. But then I started thinking, what is Andrew thinking when we're in turbulence?
Why can he be so chill? And really, he probably doesn't have a lot of thoughts about turbulence, or he thinks we're going to be fine. I also remember a pilot once telling us in a flight, the turbulence is not putting the flight at risk. And I decided that those were going to be my thoughts. Why would I suffer through turbulence?
when he could be so relaxed, when pilots knew that it wasn't actually dangerous. And I want to share with you that last trip I did, we encountered a lot of turbulence, a lot of it. And I surprised myself, not for a second was I concerned or scared. My heart rate didn't go up, my palms weren't sweating, because I had been practicing thinking, it's okay.
This is not risky, this is not dangerous. I am okay. Airplanes are meant to go through turbulence. And I practiced and practiced and for a while I wasn't exactly feeling that relaxed, but I got there and this trip I really surprised myself by being so relaxed. So whatever you think creates the emotions you experience every day.
So if we're thinking the same thoughts over and over again, then we're experiencing the same feelings over and over again. So let me ask you, what are the emotions that you feel most often? Do you experience tons of gratitude, joy, appreciation, or are you experiencing a lot of anxiety, worry, concern, fear?
Most likely that tells you the quality of your thoughts. And listen, it's not to judge you. I don't want you to judge yourself because if you do that, then you can't change. But it is important to become aware of the thoughts you're having and the emotional experience you are creating. Joe Dispenza says in one of his books that our brain gets addicted to our thoughts in the same way that our body gets addicted to substances.
We like to think the same things over and over again, and therefore we have the same emotions over and over again. The other thing we know from research is that everything we do is because of an emotion. Even if we rationally believe that we're going to take this action because it's good for us, what is motivating us to take that action is our emotion.
Either positive emotion like joy and gratitude and commitment and determination or fear, resentment, hurt, worry, they're taking us to take other actions. So let's review this. We think the almost every day. Those thoughts create The same emotions, and those emotions drive the same behaviors. And the behaviors, what we do and what we don't do, or we hold ourselves back from doing, create the results of our lives.
So, if all of this is in repetition, we're also creating the same results over and over again. The same worry about our boss, the same hurt about a friend, the same joy about achieving something, gratitude, depending on what we practice the most, those are the results that we are creating. Most people in the world.
Live year after year. And each year is very similar to the year before. One of my clients that I absolutely adore shared with me that for years, she's been journaling and that she had recently looked back at all of her journals and that she was shocked. She said, Caro, I was looking at. Year after year after year.
And basically I was writing the same thing in each journal, the things I didn't like, the issues I was having at work, my levels of stress, problems with my physical health. Until I started coaching. I realized that my last journal that I started when we started the coaching program, Was completely different.
It was a journal that was selling a very different story than my previous 10 years of journaling. And I thought it was so insightful to have evidence that if you don't decide consciously and deliberately to think in a different way, your life is going to continue being very similar than the year before and before and before.
That's why I created Design Your Life, because I want us to realize that That we have the power to change our thoughts, and therefore our emotions, and therefore our actions, and therefore our results, and truly create a life that when we look at it, we can't believe that's our new life. How much has it changed?
When I look back at my life, I see how many times I Change a thought deliberately and now it's become my new thought pattern and it really blows my mind that it is my new thought pattern. For example, growing up, I was never the most athletic person. I was the person who, when we had to run a mile at school, was probably the last one.
When they said we had to play basketball, no one would choose me for their team because I really wasn't good at it. And I always felt that I was bad at it, that I didn't like it, that I didn't enjoy it, that it was painful, that it just wasn't for me. But then Many years later, when I had already finished college, so right, think about this, all high school, all college, I kept repeating the same story that sports were not for me.
And I moved to Miami and I started seeing people run in this beautiful path by the ocean and I kept seeing them It looks so cool and so fun and I was like, I just wish I was one of those people that could run and like do it for fun and because it's so beautiful and the mornings are just perfect to go out for a run.
So I decided to start thinking about exercise in a different way. Instead of thinking that I wasn't good at it or that I had to do it to lose weight, I started thinking I want to do it because I want to be by the ocean. I want to have a fresh start every morning. And those thoughts that were simple but different started giving me some motivation to start doing it.
And then I started realizing I feel really good after I go for a run and I started getting better at it. And now for me, exercise is something that I absolutely love. Even when I'm doing burpees and things that hurt so much and I'm out of breath, I've learned to enjoy that pain instead of seeing it as my enemy.
And I truly can't believe That I'm the person that right now wakes up at 6 a. m. and works out. Who is this woman? I don't recognize her because that wasn't my identity growing up. Using this methodology that I'm going to teach you in my Design Your Life course, I've transformed almost every area of my life.
My mental health, my physical health, my relationships, my relationship with money, the work I do, my outlook on life. Just because I've deliberately chosen to think in a different way. I created this course for all of us, including myself, of course, because I love doing this process. For all of us who are hungry for more, who have this burning desire to create an epic life, one that you feel so proud of.
For those of us who are ambitious and who want to surprise ourselves and achieve things we thought were impossible. And of course, if there are areas of your life you don't like right now, This is perfect to change them as well. If there are things you want to up level, if you want to create new things, if you are a visionary, you're going to absolutely love it.
I've organized this class in three different modules. The first module, we're gonna reflect and look at the past year. So, we can understand what are patterns of thinking, feeling, acting, and the results we've created. The second module, we're going to do something that I love and I'm so excited to share with all of you.
And it's that we're going to create a manifesto for our life. And the third module, we're going to roll up our sleeves and plan in detail 2025. So, 2025 can be a year of growth and evolution and change and movement towards our goals and our dreams. Since I know a lot of my clients are incredibly busy during the week, I am going to teach this course on Saturdays, on three Saturdays in February, so we can have plenty of time to do the exercises, to get coaching, to answer all your questions.
I'm going to be fully committed to all of you, so by the end of Design Your Life, You are so excited to implement everything you learn and to start taking the steps to create the most amazing year yet. So again, I want to invite you to go right now to carolzuleta. com forward slash design your life and sign up.
I promise you one day you're going to look back and think, wow, it was in that course that I designed the life. that I live today and it blows my mind. I hope to see you all in there.