Welcome to Visionaries Pursuit, a podcast where we explore what it takes to turn your bold and inspiring ideas into reality. I'm Carolina Zuleta. I'm a life and a business coach and your host for this podcast. I'm thrilled to have you here. Welcome back. And this is episode 18. And we're continuing talking about the theme of goal setting and visioning.
Welcome back. This is episode 21 of the Visionaries Pursuit podcast. Thank you for joining me. And today we're going to talk about how to find your life's purpose. That's such a big question. Clients often come to me because they're worried or they're concerned or they're wondering, am I living my life purpose?
How do I know I'm living my life purpose? And it's almost like this huge thing. They have to figure out that instead of causing them excitement and motivation is causing them concern and worry and sometimes even fear. One of the things I want to do is dispel a lot of the myths or the things that I don't think are true about our life's purpose.
One of them being that we only have one and that we have to figure it out and that it's just this one thing that it's kind of a mystery where people spend hours on it. hours meditating and journaling. They break courses and classes and people to help them find their life purpose. Instead, I want us to think about life purpose more as how do I live with purpose?
Anything that I'm doing, how do I add? purpose and meaning and love and care and attention to what I'm doing so I feel purposeful in my day to day instead of thinking that your life purpose is this one big thing that is a mystery to you. If it's yours, it shouldn't be a mystery, and it might evolve as you go through life, as you start learning more about who you are, what you care about, what inspires you, what motivates you.
And that's the first place I want to start, that I don't believe that there's one life purpose that you have to figure out and that currently is a mystery to you. I think it's way closer to you than you might realize. I think as coaching and motivation and psychology have evolved, we've been hearing a message that our jobs, that what we do every day should be our purpose, should be our mission.
And the way I see it is that our purpose is something bigger than that. To give you an example, I am a coach, and for me, my work is incredibly meaningful. I love helping people turn their ideas into reality, achieve things they thought were impossible. But that is not my purpose. My purpose is not to help visionaries achieve their goals.
Actually, my purpose was inspired by a quote I read many years ago. The quote says the following, when I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left. And I could say, I used. Everything you gave me. When I heard this quote the first time, it didn't take me only to my talent, but to this idea that at the end of my life, if God exists, if I get to meet her, I can stand in front of her and say, I used everything you gave me, all the love, all the energy, all the ideas, all my talent.
For me, that idea of using all the things I've received gives a lot of purpose in my life. And one way I express that purpose is by growing my business, by becoming a better coach every day, by becoming a better business owner, by exploring what my limits are in business. But not only there, I do it when I spend time with my family.
I ask myself, how can I use everything I've been given to be the best mother, to be the best wife, to be the best friend, right? So this philosophy of my life's purpose is above all the things I do in my life. Even when I go work out, okay, how do I use this body? How do I take it to the limit? How do I get stronger and faster every day?
And just the idea of thinking I can use up all the gifts I receive gives me so much motivation and a sense of meaning and purpose in everything I do. So when you start thinking about your life purpose, I don't want you to think about this thing as a mystery, that you have to find your vocation or the thing that you're super passionate about, that you're, that one thing you're going to dedicate your entire life to.
It's amazing if you have that, right? I have a friend who wanted to be a pilot since he was two years old, and now he flies the. biggest commercial airplane that exists in the world. And he's dedicated his life to that career and he loves it. So if you have something like that, amazing, but even that cannot be your purpose, right?
I don't think my friend's purpose is to be a pilot. His purpose is way bigger than that. And it's that motivation, that inspiration that you can bring to anything you do in your life. And then it will give you meaning and a sense of deep satisfaction and deep fulfillment. I think a lot of people. Do have those ideas.
They say, you know what? I think my life's purpose is helping others. I think all of us have a sense of that thing that is meaningful to us. That has purpose problem is that we confuse it in thinking that that has to become our job. For example, let's say someone has the purpose or the inspiration that they want to help people.
So they start thinking, Oh, I need to become a nurse or a doctor. I have to go volunteer for a non for profit when really you can help people anywhere you are. You can be the CEO of a gaming company and from that place help people. You could be a passenger in an Uber and by just having a conversation with the driver you could help them.
So again, your philosophy, what gives meaning to your life, doesn't have to be your job. It's something that is bigger than that. In many places, I also hear, especially for women, but I think for men too, that their purpose has to be their family. That providing for their family, taking care of their family, has to be their purpose.
And what happens if you haven't found a mate, or you can't get pregnant, or you simply don't want that path? That doesn't mean that family and love can't be your purpose. Can you think of your friends as your purpose? Can you think about loving others as your purpose? And also your purpose can evolve.
I've told you that for me, that idea of using everything that I've received has been my purpose, what gives meaning to my life, has been with me for many years, and it still is. But more recently, I've been There's been a new idea that's been inspiring me and giving more meaning to my life, and it's to learn how to love.
And I know I can do a whole episode on love because what I'm seeing is that to learn to love requires a lot of me, requires overcoming my ego, requires managing my emotions, requires making sacrifices, putting other things first, doing things that feel uncomfortable. But the idea that I'm learning and expanding my ability to love Gives a lot of sense and meaning to my life.
So how do you find your purpose? Start with whatever you feel is important to you. Helping others. Developing your skills. Making a difference. Being an example of what's possible. And just adopt that. As like, okay, if this is an idea, something that motivates me and inspires me, how do I live this every day?
How do I bring this desire into everything I do and allow yourself to see how that grows and that evolves or maybe changes and that is okay. Recently, one of my clients and I were talking about purpose. She was telling me that in her family, being a mother. was a very important and that she felt because she's not a mother yet, like she didn't have that sense of purpose.
And we had a big conversation about what we're talking about right now, that instead of finding that one purpose, bringing purpose to her life. But as the beautiful things, the coincidence in life, the next day, I was drinking my tea and the tea I drink always comes with a little quote. And the quote said the following, the purpose of life is to know yourself, love yourself.
Trust yourself and be yourself. If you right now don't have any idea that you think it's inspiring, just take that one. Make your purpose to love yourself, know yourself, trust yourself, and be yourself. That idea alone can give you so much meaning. and potential to grow and evolve that is going to make your life filled with purpose.
So decide right now that you're listening to this podcast, get a piece of paper and write a sentence that you know is meaningful to you and start living it. Don't spend one more second being confused in your mind or thinking that your life purpose is a mystery. Choose something, decide that's going to be your life's mantra or your life's purpose and start living it.
If you do that, That's when you're going to find how purposeful and meaningful your life and you truly are. And then stay open. As you're practicing living this idea, it might evolve, it might change, you might reach something that inspires you to transform your life purpose into something else. And that's a beautiful thing as well.
My only desire for all of you. It's that you don't spend hours being confused and instead start living with purpose and meaning today. I'll see you next time.
If you're currently pursuing a big, bold idea and would love some support, let's talk. In my coaching program, I'll teach you how to manage yourself, your own thoughts and emotions, as well as your team and your money. So you can turn your beautiful idea into a reality. Go now to. carozuleta. com slash consult.
That is C A R O Z U L E T A dot com slash consult. And complete the form to book a complimentary call with me. See you there!